Sunday, January 30, 2011

Viajar y Pescado.

So, it´s been a pretty normal week. I had school all week and am now preparing for three tests next week. Yayyy. I have been planning out some trips, though. I bought my plane ticket for Barcelona this coming weekend. I´m super excited for that. Also, we have March 7th and 8th off for a Spanish fiesta called ¨Carnaval¨ during which I´m planning on traveling to London for four or five days. Then, the weekend of April 2nd, I´m going to see Enrique Iglesias in Paris! And, for the first week of spring break (April 16-22), I will be traveling in Greece and Italy. The second week of spring break, as most of you know, my parents are coming to visit me and we´ll be traveling around southern Spain in Andalucia. These trips are all in addition to the excursions we have with school. In two weeks, we are going to see things around Valladolid. At the end of March, we´re heading to Salamanca, and in April, we´re going somewhere where we can see nature in Spain, but the actual location is still undetermined. In May, we´re going to Santander. And this is probably not even all of the traveling I´ll be doing. It´s exciting now that I´m finally planning all my trips. I know that traveling will probably end up being my favorite part of this experience. I just cannot wait to get out and see the world!

Also, I have concluded that European chocolate is the best thing ever. The sweets here, especially the chocolate, are just amazing. I can´t get enough! I´m lucky I have to walk so much here, otherwise I´d probably get fat off of all the chocolate I´ve had. However, all the fish here is wearing me out, literally. We pretty much have fish with lunch and dinner every day. Normally, I love fish. A lot of people here don´t even like fish to begin with but I definitely do. However, I don´t know how much more fish I can take. It´s getting really excessive. I´ve heard from a few different sources in Eau Claire that eating too much fish can make a person really tired and if that´s true, it´s definitely doing that to me. I am constantly so tired and worn out. I never want to get out of bed in the morning and I have trouble staying up late. I know I´m not jetlagged anymore, so I´m blaming it on the fish. My roommate and I skipped dinner on Friday and went to search for McDonalds, just so we could have a break from the fish. Unfortunately, we couldn´t find McDonalds, so we settled for Burger King. American food has never tasted so good.

I have also been reading a lot here. On Sundays, everything is closed, as well as from 2:00-5:00pm every day for siesta. So during those times, there is really nothing to do. And since I don´t have the internet at home to distract me, I´ve been reading. I´m already halfway through my third book here. I really enjoy it though. I think the fact that we don´t have internet has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me. I´ve finally been able to catch up on reading all the books I´ve been wanting to read.

Anyway, I think I´m pretty adjusted now. Planning trips has helped to get rid of the ¨I want to go home¨ feeling, although I do still miss home. That probably will never go away. I´m always going to be missing my family and friends, but now that I´m here, I´m glad I was brave enough to do this. I know I´ll never regret it.

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