Not a lot has happened in the last week, but I figured I should give you all an update anyway. Today, I have been here for 7 weeks, which means 13 weeks until I’m back home! It’s blown my mind how fast time is flying! The semester is already a third over. It feels like I just got here a few weeks ago! I think once the semester is over, I will not want to go back home.
The weeks here are really not too exciting. Just going to school, going out after siesta or after dinner, teaching English, and skyping. My best friends in Eau Claire and I have arranged to skype every Thursday night, which I love. It’s so nice getting to still see them and talk to them. I try to skype with Alex as much as I can, which usually isn’t much, but it’s alright. I have been doing A LOT of reading here this semester. I’m on my seventh book of the semester now. Not having internet at home has really limited what I can do when I’m bored. Teaching English has been fun so far. Irene is a completely typical 14-year-old girl. She goes shopping pretty much every other day and hangs out with her friends all the time. She also REALLY wants to go to New York. That is her dream. However, she is so advanced in English that it’s sometimes hard to figure out what to do with her. We’ve been working on advanced vocabulary and at the end of the hour we play an English game. If anyone has any ideas for games that entice conversation or just learning English, let me know. We are playing MASH next week, for those who know what that is.
The only thing that I really don’t like here is our host mom’s food. Both Kelly and I hate it. We have fish every single day, without fail. I came here liking fish and now I hate it because I’m so sick of it. When we’re not eating fish, it’s usually still pretty gross. I’ve had many times where I just cannot eat the food. I try everything, but rarely like it, so a lot of the time I just go with a few bites of dinner, some fruit, bread, and a snack later. Or sometimes, I’ll just eat it super fast and force it down my throat. It’s not my ideal situation, but it’s alright. I’m really glad I have a nice host family and a good roommate. Like I said earlier, my host mom does so much for us, and I am so grateful for that. A few people here have had to move to a new family because theirs were so awful. I would absolutely hate to be in that situation.
One night this week, we had shrimp at dinner with the heads still on, of course. Our host parents usually leave us alone at dinner so it’s just Kelly and me. So, I took a shrimp and ripped the head off like I was supposed to, but all of a sudden it squirted this brown stuff at me and I screamed. The shrimp was attacking me with its brains or something! Then Kelly tried to do it for me and it squirted the brains out at her too, and at that point I just couldn’t eat it. Of course, at this point we were laughing so hard, and slightly shocked that our host mom didn’t come in to check to make sure we were ok after I screamed. Anyway, I couldn’t eat the shrimp anymore because all I could think about was the squirting brown stuff, so… we threw a couple out the window. That was probably the funniest thing that’s happened at dinner so far this semester.
Anyway, I’m getting super excited for London this weekend! We are leaving on Sunday and coming back on Wednesday, since we have Monday and Tuesday off and flights are WAY cheaper that way. I’m so excited to see London. It was definitely in my top five places I wanted to see in Europe this semester.
So, I didn´t want to post tihs earlier because it wasn´t for sure and set in stone, but now I think it just about is. After my program ends here at the end of May, I am planning on staying a week longer to go to Latvia! I am so excited - I never thought I´d actually ever be able to go! I´m about 99% sure that I´m going. Yay! Soo yah, that´s my big news!
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