Sunday, April 10, 2011

Las Médulas.

Oh, what beautiful weather we are having in Valladolid! It’s been sunny and hot! It has been in the 80’s all week and it is definitely shorts and tank top weather. Unfortunately, these crazy Spaniards don’t start pulling out their summer clothes until mid-June so these days, we have the option of looking like stupid trashy Americans or dying of heat. People like to wear shorts with black tights here – definitely not my style. People are also still wearing thick jackets and sweaters. I think I would drown in my own sweat if I wore a jacket or sweater now. Also, I haven’t had the chance to soak up the sun as much as I’d like because of all the work I’ve had in school lately. Last week, in addition to working on my 10-page paper (which I hope to finish by Thursday), I had to work on a presentation and a Literature paper. Now this week I have two exams, so with everything else going on, I’m not quite sure how I’m supposed to finish my paper. Life will be good come Thursday. I’m leaving right after school to begin my two-week journey around Switzerland, Italy, and then back to Spain. Spring break plans have changed again, probably not to anyone’s surprise. I am now going with just one other girl named Aryn to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, then Venice and then Rome until next Friday when I will meet up in Seville with my parents. I cannot wait for spring break to start – I just have to get through one more week of school first.

Yesterday we went on our “naturaleza” (nature) excursion to see Las Médulas. Before this weekend, our professors had told us how intense it would be and that we would die if we didn’t wear a hat and things like this, so I was a little scared for the day of hiking. However, I made myself think, “No, I’ve been hiking in the mountains plenty of times before. How hard could a school excursion hike be? It’ll be fine.” It turned out to be a long hike up a steep hill with no flat spots to rest until we got to the top. It was extremely tiring and, of course, pretty hot out. Everyone was sweating and many people became dehydrated, including myself. I tend to have issues with always getting dehydrated. But luckily my dehydration didn’t kick in until the very end of the day. Anyway, as we were trudging up the hill, Alfredo, one of our professors who happens to be a chain smoker, admitted that he hated this excursion. At the time, I had wished he had told us earlier it was going to be so hard. However, once we finally got to the top we were able to see a beautiful view of the Médulas (not quite sure how to describe them – they’re a lot like the rock formations in the Southwest). We stayed at the top for a while, enjoying the view and perfect weather before we began our descent back down. After this, we also quick saw a cave formed from these rocks. Soon we headed back to the bus to begin our three-hour journey back to Valladolid. It was a very tiring day, and as much as I hated the uphill hiking, this was probably my favorite excursion so far. Seeing so many ancient cities can get dull after a while and eventually, they begin to all look the same.

This week, I’m going to be working nonstop on my paper and studying for my exams, so I’m not sure when I can post next. I will try my hardest to update you all on everything that goes on during spring break, but I will be really busy traveling all the time, so we’ll see how that goes. Wish me luck on yet another great adventure around Europe!

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